Defense World interviewed Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, Engineering and Industrial Services, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
DW: Please describe your solutions/services for the aviation industry.
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : TCS has been addressing the requirement in the aerospace vertical through its Engineering and Industrial Services Unit (EIS) since 1992 when it started providing Design & Analysis Support to an Aero Engines major. EIS has about 7000 employees, out of which 1200+ are completely focused on Aerospace. TCS is involved in cutting edge design work which includes airframes, engine components and aircraft interiors. Apart from our offerings in software and design services our value add comes in providing manufacturing services through TATA group companies as done for an Italian aerospace major and other aerospace companies globally. We call it concept-to-manufacturing and have successfully applied it to various projects for different clients. A measure of our competence in the Aerospace sector can be gauged from the fact that we have been ranked by IT industry publication, Dataquest as the No. 1 Engineering services provider in India. The scope of services provided extend from Concept design, through Manufacture to in-service support, and cover a range of customer requirements, from the design of large complex Aero structures, systems, Aero engines, Manufacturing support solutions and Engineering IT Solutions (PLM, MES, MRO, GIS, EAM, RFID, etc). Within the Aerospace vertical, TCS provides state-of-the-art total system solutions across the spectrum of civil and military avionics covering safety and mission-critical software, hardware, firmware and electronics manufacturing for airborne and ground based platforms.
DW: How big a team do you have focused on aviation and where is it located.
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : TCS’ Aerospace Vertical has a dedicated team of over 1200+ associates servicing some of the largest aerospace companies in the world since 1992.The team is located in Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai in India and in US and Europe overseas. The team is experienced in several areas of aerospace encompassing Engineering & IT Services for Structures, Engines, Avionics, PLM, MES, EAM, MRO, RFID and others.
DW: Can you name some of your international/Indian clients/partners in the aviation industry and the nature of work being done for them?
DW: What prospects do you see for software services in aviation in the years to come?
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : The prospect for aviation from our company’s perspective is bright indeed and we are working on some of the ongoing programs and have a good pipeline . In addition If you recall, TATA Group incorporated TATA Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) to focus on providing solutions for defense, homeland security and disaster management through technology development, transfer and research.
DW: Many international manufacturers are looking at Indian partners to implement the offsets program under which 30% of defense and aviation contract value must be invested in India. Is TCS positioning itself as partner for this?
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : Yes, we have been engaged with the aerospace majors in addressing the offset and also been in discussions with some of the incumbent companies for meeting their future offset obligations.
DW: Could you please elaborate on the Aeronautical Design and Development Center (ADDC) you have partnered with SAAB. What are its objectives and milestones?
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : We have partnered with SAAB to establish its Aeronautical Design and Development Center (ADDC) in India . ADDC will capitalize the respective strengths of both the organizations to address the global aerospace market. It will create a single source of design and development capabilities within India, in addressing domestic and the global defense and civil aeronautical applications. ADDC capabilities across the product lifecycle include: Design and Development of Structures / Systems for new Platforms, Performance Studies and Virtual prototyping, Aircraft Sustenance Engineering, Manufacturing Support, Production and After Market Support, Life extension / Upgrade Programs, Avionics and Mission Critical Software Development.
DW: How are you prepared for the business to come in 2009?
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : We have requirements to meet the current demand and also anticipating some major projects to be embarked by our clients We are investing in capabilities such as avionics and high-end design for large aircraft. Investments are going into additional demonstration labs, innovation centres, embedded avionics systems, hardware and software testing.
DW: Any other information you would like to provide to our readers.
Mr. R. Suresh Babu, Global Head, Aerospace Vertical, TCS. : Despite the competitive pressures impacting the aerospace sector, TCS stands at an advantageous position due to its broad portfolio of services , global presence, strategic alliances, competency development and industry experience. TCS’ strong business model and a compelling value proposition along with quality deliverables have helped its clients ‘Experience certainty’ in their every day business. This represents TCS’ commitment to provide a competitive edge to its customers consistently over a long period of time. Also TCS has the distinction of being the first Indian company to be certified AS 9100: Rev B for Airframe Structural Design and has been accredited with certification from Indian Airworthiness Authorities (CEMILAC). These certifications give recognition to TCS as a quality supplier to the Aerospace Industry, and also provide its customers with the benefits of best- in – class solutions and reduced cost of quality. I am optimistic about Aerospace and Defense industry in 2009 and looking at more opportunities from the offsets and the new aircraft programs like Green Engines, A 350, Bombardier C series, etc. I am looking forward towards creating new strengths and making them more formidable in terms of partners.