The Indian Defence Procurement Board (DPB) has accorded Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for procurement of Night Sight(TI) for approximately 1500 7.62mm MAG 58 2A1 Medium Machine Guns (MMG).
The DPB intends to issue the request for proposal (RFP) for the same in December this year.
According to the Request for information (RFI), the Uncooled Thermal Imaging Sight so desired by the Indian Army, should be a light weight and ruggedized device to enable accurate engagement of vehicle and human target by use of 7.62mm MAG 58 2A1 Medium Machine Gun (MMG) at night/hours of darkness/poor visibility. It should facilitate firing of all in service ammunition.
The sight should have suitable reticle pattern that enables aiming upto 1800m in order to facilitate night firing of 7.62mm MAG 58 2A1 Medium Machine Gun. The sight should be able to fit on mounting bracket of existing crew served weapon sight of the MMG.
The Indian Army plans to procure the items in a phased manner, the desired quantity should be delivered within six (06) months to twelve months (12) from the day of signing of the contract. The vendors should confirm if they can deliver requisite quantity of Night Sights for 7.62mm MAG 58 2A1 Medium Machine Gun within the stipulated timeframe.