Russia’s state-owned Rostec announced it recently completed delivery of new automated artillery fire control systems that would increase the accuracy of fire by 25-30%.
The systems were handed over to the Russian Ministry of Defense for artillery units 1В181 and 1В198 by Signal All-Russian Research Institute of the High-Precision Complexes holding, Rostec said in a release.
The complexes provide automated fire control and maneuvering of an artillery battalion consisting of up to four batteries in a battalion and up to eight guns in a battery during preparation and during hostilities, they are used for self-propelled artillery installations “Msta-S”, “Msta-B” fire “Tornado-G” and “Grad”.
“The use of automation equipment allows the complexes to perform firing missions with an arbitrary arrangement of guns in a given area of firing positions, to perform an anti-fire maneuver, in the shortest time hitting the target consecutively from two or more firing positions,” said Alexander Denisov, General Director of the High-Precision Complexes holding.
The use of modern means of preparation of fire and new algorithms for solving special tasks make it possible to increase the accuracy of fire by 25-30%, while guided projectiles of a new generation destroy enemy targets and objects with a probability of 0.98-0.99. The timeliness of the artillery battalion’s fire is ensured by reducing the time for its preparation by one and a half to two times in comparison with existing counterparts.