Ruselectronics Holding will demonstrate at MAKS-2021 the S-111 communications system from the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jet.
The equipment provides secure radio communication and aircraft data exchange with other aircraft as well as with ground, air and surface control points. It was developed by NPP Polet, a part of Ruselectronics.
The equipment uses the latest technology for high-speed information transmission and is deeply integrated with other radio-electronic systems of the Su-57, which allows the aircraft equipment to jointly implement additional functions and capabilities.
Among the exhibits of NPP Polet at MAKS-2021 is a united system of communication, data exchange, navigation and identification (OSNOD). Currently, the OSNOD system terminals are installed on the Su-57, Su-30SM aircraft, the modernized Su-27, Su-34, Su-35S and on the export version of the Su-35, on the Il-76 of various modifications, the Il-112V, as well as on modernized long-range aircraft – Tu-95, Tu-160. In addition, ground control posts and communication centers are equipped with the OSNOD system.
In addition, an onboard communication complex based on integrated modular avionics technology (BCS IMA) will be demonstrated. The equipment uses universal technical solutions, which allows the equipment to be installed on various carriers. Due to the open architecture, modular construction principle and the use of standardized data exchange protocols, the functionality of the complex can be supplemented and modernized without significant costs.