Russia’s Tactical Missile Corporation (KTRV) is developing several new missiles besides adapting existing ones to be launched from the internal weapons bay of stealth fighter jets such as the Su-57 and the proposed Su-75.
Details of some of the new generation weapons were revealed by KTRV General Director, Boris Obnosov in an interview with Interfax on February 8.
Some of the weapons being adapted for release from internal weapons bay are: Kh-38ME multi-purpose modular missile, the Kh-58UShKE anti-radar missile, as well as the latest developed-Grom-E1 and Grom- E2 missiles.
The Grom-E1 is a guided cruise missile and Grom-E2 is a guided glide weapon. Both feature a cylindrical body with an ogive nose cone and folding swept-back wing. The weapons can be mounted either on external pylons or in an internal weapons bay of fourth- and fifth-generation aircraft.
“Work continues on the miniaturization of aircraft missiles and corrected bombs, several projects are being worked out with the UZGA, with the Sukhoi Design Bureau, and the Kronstadt company,” Boris Obnosov said.
Another promising weapon under development is the Kh-MD-E multi-purpose homing missile of modular construction, which has noise-immune satellite navigation equipment and three variants of homing heads. Its total weight is 110 kg, warhead weight – 30 kg, launch range – up to 40 km. It can be used from any aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles, and from surface ships, he said.