The United Kingdom has received the nod from the U.S. State Department for the procurement of Ballistic Missile Defense Radar (BMDR), Command and Control Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC).
The British government seeks to a ballistic missiles defense radar and two command and control battle management and communications systems made by Lockheed Martin, as per an official Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) statement.
“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is a force for political stability and economic progress in Europe. The proposed sale will improve UK’s ability to meet current and future ballistic missile threats to the UK and NATO by improving the effectiveness of NATO BMD systems,” the release said.
UK Sends Sky Sabre Air Defense System to Poland
The UK has deployed new MBDA-developed Sky Sabre medium-range, anti-air systems to Poland, days after the U.S. sent its Patriots. The system comprises the Sky Sabre missile alongside a Saab-built Giraffe multi-beam surveillance radar and Rafael command-and-control equipment.
The move is part of a wider upgrade of NATO assets in Poland and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, which has seen personnel and equipment deployed to the region to deter possible Russian aggression.