United Community Banks (NASDAQ:UCBIO) Trading 1.2% Higher

United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:UCBIOGet Free Report)’s share price shot up 1.2% during mid-day trading on Thursday . The company traded as high as $24.00 and last traded at $23.89. 10,975 shares were traded during mid-day trading, an increase of 74% from the average session volume of 6,295 shares. The stock had previously closed at $23.61.

United Community Banks Stock Performance

The firm’s 50 day moving average is $23.60 and its 200 day moving average is $23.57.

United Community Banks Announces Dividend

The business also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Saturday, June 15th. Investors of record on Friday, May 31st were paid a $0.4297 dividend. This represents a $1.72 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 7.19%. The ex-dividend date was Friday, May 31st.

United Community Banks Company Profile

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United Community Banks, Inc operates as the financial holding company for United Community Bank that provides financial products and services to commercial, retail, government, education, energy, health care, and real estate sectors. It accepts various deposit products, including checking, savings, money market, and other deposit accounts.

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