China’s “X-Stern” Submarine, New Class with Advanced Features

China’s “X-Stern” Submarine, New Class with Advanced Features

China’s Mysterious New Submarine: A Potential Game Changer?

Recent satellite images have revealed a new submarine, likely of a previously unknown class, being constructed in China. This has sparked speculation and intrigue within the global naval community, raising questions about this new vessel’s potential capabilities and implications.

An “X-Stern” Submarine: A Unique Design

Western observers have tentatively designated the submarine as Type-039C/D. It is a non-nuclear attack submarine with a unique “X-shaped” stern, a feature not seen before on any Chinese submarine. According to experts, this design offers maneuverability and noise reduction advantages, which are crucial for submarines operating in stealthy environments.

Tom Shugart, an open-source defense analyst and former submariner, first noticed the submarine in satellite imagery captured by Planet Labs on April 26, 2024. He highlighted the submarine’s distinct “X-stern” and its significant length, which appears to be longer than the standard Yuan-class submarines currently in service.

“Comparing the Hangor with images of earlier 039A class boats—and the new boat—the difference is plain to see. The new boat appears substantially longer, and looking at multiple images of it, also appears to have an X-stern, a feature not seen before on any Chinese submarine,” Shugart noted on X.

A Glimpse of Advanced Technology

The “X-stern” is not the only intriguing aspect of this new submarine. Images also show the vessel equipped with a distinctive sail that seems to prioritize low radar signature, suggesting that China is continuing to invest in stealth technology for its submarine fleet.

While the sail bears a resemblance to that found on the Swedish A-26 submarine, the connection is currently uncertain. H.I. Sutton, a prominent naval analyst, suggests that this may be a coincidence, as China has historically relied on its own indigenous designs.

Potential for Vertical Launch Systems

Further speculation surrounds the possibility of this submarine incorporating vertical launch systems similar to those found on some modern naval vessels. These systems can launch a variety of missiles, including anti-ship, land-attack, and potentially even cruise missiles.

Analysts such as H.I. Sutton and Alex Luck have noted the potential for vertical launch tubes on this new submarine, indicating a possible shift towards greater versatility and offensive capabilities within the Chinese submarine fleet.

Implications for Regional Security

The emergence of this new submarine raises questions about its potential impact on regional security dynamics.

China’s growing submarine force, combined with its investments in advanced technology and increasingly assertive naval posture, are a key factor in the evolving security landscape in the Indo-Pacific.

Brian Hart, a fellow with the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, suggests that China’s investment in submarine technology is likely driven by a desire to counter potential threats posed by the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-powered submarine fleet.